So, you’ve been dating someone for a few weeks and now it’s your turn to ask him out. Maybe you’re a veteran dater or maybe you haven’t dated for a while.
If you haven’t dated in a while, or have just been through a break up, you may be hesitant as to how to feel, what to do, etc. There’s a natural, inborn instinct in all of us that tends to swell up in our hearts, one of self-protection. It may be one of many different feelings, fear, anticipation, and excitement and yet you want to hold back.
So, what do you do? One suggestion is get together with a group of your friends. Are they having a party or just a get together? This is particularly great for so many reasons.
Reason #1: You can see how he interacts with people he doesn’t know, your friends.
Reason #2: You’ll feel relaxed. And you’ll feel safe having your peers around you, giving you a sense of confidence, independence and freedom.
Reason #3: How does this affect him? Watch his body language, does he get jealous when you’re talking with your friends or meeting new friends across the room without him next to you? Is he possessive of your attention? Or does he interact confidently with people he doesn’t know.
Reason #4: When you introduce him to your friends, is he outgoing? Does he interact well with people he doesn’t know? Or does he seem too quiet?
Reason #5: How does he dress for such an occasion? This can be a strong indicator of how perceives the evening? It also can show his respect or lack of respect for going to someplace where he knows your friends will be. Does he want to sincerely make a good impression?
Reason #6: What does his body language say about him? Is he just sitting there or is he with you as you make your way around the room talking with your friends?
Reason #7: Does he take the initiative? For example, does he ask what you would like to drink and goes ahead and orders it for you? Does he expect you to pay?
Reason #8: Does he open doors for you? Of course, this type of behavior all depends on what you are looking for in someone you’re considering to date.
Reason #9: The next day, you can ask your close friends for feedback. How did they perceive him to be? For example, what did they think of his conduct, language, and his actions towards them and towards you?
Sometimes, we are too close to the situation to see a major flag or flags that your close friends who have known you for years can see. Listen to what they have to say and think about the comments, good or bad. After all, if this someone you are truly interested in, you’ll want to listen and proceed accordingly.
Jonathon, hi! I wanted to say that this article made me think. It can be true that your friends might see another side to the new boyfriend that we haven’t seen yet! Good point. Thanks!
Or they’re great with your girlfriends, but introduce them to guy friends of yours of your social circle, and they act all shut down, and socially awkward – Grrr! So annoying! =>:-(
the right guy will meet your friends and will go the extra mile to make a good impression, unless he is that evasive punk!!! that you were unfortunate enough to have your paths crossed…just sayin…
My ex partner always said, and still does, that I have great quality friends, and he was always a gentleman around them, and me. He loves listening to all their stories about me LOL.
My ex husband however, used to always put me down in front of my friends, jokes to get a laugh. The last laugh’s on me because I divorced him baha.
@Dawn : once again, we are in agreement. 😉
Most men, as long as they’re not 100% sure they’ve got you (and a few even after that), don’t like “competitors” in their surroundings. LOL
Otherwise, good tips Jonathon. 🙂
Just don’t let your friends decide on your behalf who’s good for you though…