Imagine all your limiting beliefs were actually tattooed all over your body instead thoughts floating in your head
Imagine these tattoos are a signpost of HOW you truly feel about yourself
Imagine these tattoos are no different than the clothes you WEAR out in public
Could YOUR outfit look something like this…
I’m not good enough, I’m overweight, dating sucks, all men are cheaters & liars, I’m not attractive enough, I’m too busy for a relationship, there are no good men out there, I just don’t care anymore about finding love, and the best one….
I’m just happy by myself (while this might be true, sometimes it’s a rationalization)
So now let’s imagine you are on a first, second or third date with a man
You might have gotten fixed up by a friend
You might have spent a few weeks emailing from a dating website
You might have even met on Facebook
You are getting ready to meet him
You get all dressed up in your best limiting beliefs
You are sitting across the table having coffee or a drink
He’s checking out your outfit and he seems uninterested
Can you tell me why?
Wonderful post, Jonathon!! Lots of material to comment on.
After recently going through the process, I totally get what you wear is all-encompassing. It is REALly about how you show up!
Too much makeup,
Screaming nails,
too much cleavage,
gawking at every passer-by in the coffee shop,
too needy,
too greedy,
too tight,
too short,
too boisterous,
too brassy all with your womanliness falling out all of the place
Not overdressed,
a few classy details,
a bit of lace peeking out,
a genuine smile,
an easy laugh,
Honestly letting him know, that right then, he is the center of your world.
Hey, if it is not a match, it is not, but you always want to give it your all too see. Use your feminine charm and your sincere inquisitiveness to find out as much as you can in a very graceful, ease-filled, fun inter change. Show interest, not desperation! Show honesty without writing 3 chapter of a book on how horrid your ex was, even worse, is!!
Be available, be healthy, demonstrate your baggage isn’t strewn all over the tarmac. Be date ready.
See all I learned from you Jonathon? THANK YOU!! I’m happier now than I ever dreamed I could be!!
Remember women, what kind of message about yourself are you giving if you think you aren’t good enough and HE asked you out??
(I’ve nicknamed my very private beau REAL!!) LOL, yeah, who would have thought, me with someone private!! ; ))
tummys not flat enough, works a lot, no time for a relationship, withdrawn, not interested, doesnt trust, emotionless ( I feel them just dont show them)
I remember telling the guy I am dating now and a few male friends who seem bewildered that I am single, some guys that I have dated dont want to take the time it takes for me to open up to them
Very good article. I read something recently that resonates with this. A woman’s best curve is the curve or her smile. Smiles go for miles. You will connect on a more real level with a man by smiling than showing legs or cleavage.