Return To The ABC’s In Your Relationship
Don’t you love those early days of a new relationship when passion is at full swing, and both of you are tickled pink just to see the other happy? But somewhere down the line, couples can forget to do those “little things” or be on their best behavior once they reach a more “comfortable” place in the relationship.
If those days of courting are so wonderful, why do so many people stop?
I’m going to suggest that you go back and do the ABC’s of dating, no matter how long you’ve been together. And no, by “ABC,” I don’t mean going back to kindergarten. I mean “Always Be Courting.” It’s not as hard as you think, and you might even find the old feelings of romance start bubbling up again! Being present and proactive in your relationship takes a little effort, but the rewards are tenfold.
Remember the steps of the courtship dance: you are always your best self.
During courtship, we are the ambassador of our best self. We take pride in showing our best behavior and remain attentive and affectionate with the object of our desire. So why stop? In the early stages, we get mutual excitement just from being in the other’s company. We’re grateful for each moment spent together. Once the union is formed, many couples forget to do the little (and big) things for each other.
Here’s your chance to spice up the relationship by courting.
Here’s a few questions for you to ponder over:
- When was the last time you surprised your partner with an unexpected favor or gift that you knew would make him or her happy?
- Do you thank your mate for the little things they do, rather than focus on what they’re not doing?
- For guys, do you plan dates to reconnect with your loved one? For ladies, do you tell you partner your thoughts or ideas of what places you’d like to go, and activities you’d like to do?
- When was the last time you held each other for an extended time, and just gazed into each other’s eyes? Walked holding hands? Kissed under the moonlight?
Dating was fun, and it still can be. When you keep the romance alive in your relationship, you won’t push each others “buttons” as much as you’ll live in the moment. It only takes a conscious attempt to find ways of showing your love and affection. Focus on how you can show up for your mate, and let the passion reignite time and time again. Enjoy your ABC’s!
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