Men: How They Shift To Teamwork & Partnershi p In Your Relationsh ip
Have you ever wondered how men shift from being self contained to partnership in a relationship?
Let me share my personal story to give you a clue.
So it turns out I’m 37000 feet in the air traveling home from New York City, NY as I begin to write this blog. The reason why I went to NYC was to tape a segment for the Katie Couric Show. Yes I’m telling the truth, not only did I have the honor of being on her show, I got a chance to chat with her personally. WOW! what a terrific lady and a true sweetheart. None of this ever would have happened if it wasn’t for my beloved Dr. Sheri Meyers.
That’s right, Sheri was asked to be on the show and she suggested that I be included for the segment which will air on June 27th. Now I would love to tell you all the topic, but it’s hush hush.
Ever since our relationship began over 28 months ago, I’ve learned the meaning of partnership. You know what I’m talking about, being in a relationship with a partner.
A person who shares their life with YOU.
A person who includes you in their daily activities.
A person who has your back.
A person who believes in teamwork.
Yes teamwork, that ability to work together for a common good. Working together for a win, win.
So let me ask you, have you ever experienced this… partnership and teamwork in a relationship?
What does it feel like when you’re in a relationship with partnership and teamwork?
Does it feel good? Do you feel you can let go of control? Do you feel less alone?
Personally, I never really experienced this feeling of teamwork before I met my beloved. Maybe I was selfish, maybe I was self contained, but I didn’t know teamwork. It wasn’t until I began dating Sheri, did I learn the meaning of teamwork. Now, I look for the win win for both of us in everything we do. She taught me this and I want to share with you what she did.
First off, it began with our friendship. As friends we communicated our hopes, our fears and our dreams. This free and open communication allowed for trust to form. Trust allows us to lower of walls. Trust removes our armor. Trust allows our heart to open.
For me, my heart burst wide open because she absolutely trusted me from very earlier on in our relationship. She wasn’t suspicious. She wasn’t checking up on me. She wasn’t looking over my shoulder while I was on the phone. Even when I “liked” a picture on facebook of someone from the opposite sex, she never said a thing.
Women in the past acted and displayed distrust which kept me blocked.
Trust for me was HUGE and it allowed me to sink into the relationship.
Second she accepted me. That’s right, she accepted me for who I am and didn’t try to change me. She knew my business was a start up when we first spoke and she wasn’t expecting me to take her on lavish trips or fancy dinners. She didn’t look at me for what I couldn’t provide, she appreciate me for what I could bring to the table.
Most women didn’t accept me in the beginning of dating and you could see & feel their agenda which kept me closed off.
Because she accepted me, my actions matched my words and teamwork began to form. The more I felt accepted and the more I felt our friendship forming, I naturally gravitated towards teamwork in our daily life.
It started off with simple things like taking out her trash or feeding her dogs in the morning. Then this teamwork grew, like when I helped her find an editor for her book or when she needed me to go to her on a doctors appointment. Teamwork is how our partnership was developed.
Most men struggle with teamwork in relationship and that’s why many of you are frustrated. Men usually start off very self sufficient and don’t think about partnership. Teamwork is rarely in their vocabulary, especially if a woman has her own agenda.
When a man feels friendship and being accepted, they begin to value you. This is when they shift towards teamwork. Men learn teamwork through your acceptance and friendship because this is when we can let our guard down, this is when we let go of control.
Teamwork is how partnership is developed. When you’re in a partnership, the relationship just feels better. Am I right?
Do you want partnership in your relationship?
If you answered yes, I would like to help.
My next Spotlight Coaching call will be centered around Men, How to Create Teamwork In Your Relationship. CLICK HERE
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Each month I host 2 topic driven coaching calls where you can ask questions directly to me ($750.00 VALUE).
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Jonathon, I love this post and it shows your vulnerability. And your situation when you started dating Sheri is kinda similar to my boyfriend’s situation now. And you’re so right, I accept him the way he is and never expects anything but kindness and respect. He is extremely doting…I guess just like you toward Sheri.
Like I always said in all my writing, men just want to be accepted and respected for who they are. My bf always said being in relationship with me doesn’t require that much adjustment because he doesn’t have to change anything about him. He can be just himself.
That’s HUGE for a guy. Looks will get you through the door but acceptance of him as a man will make him close the door behind you so you never leave.
Thanks so much for this email. It is very helpful. I appreciate it. Yes, partnership and teamwork are very important in a relationship. You said so many important things. The other point that hit me is accepting a man for who he is and not try to change him. Super important. We can’t change them at all Jonathan, so we might as well not even try. If there are issues, they have to change on their own. Another thing is trust. Sheri doesn’t check up on you. Ok then. She doesn’t search your phone right, search up your things, break into your email. Jonathan, I am telling you-some women do that. That’s not good at all. They don’t need to do that. I don’t do that at all. Cause as a popular saying goes in my country,”anything done in the dark, must come to light”. Trust me, u see if a man is cheating-goes in the corner or out of earshot and takes calls, flirts with women on facebook or in front of you, has a woman on the side, whatever form of cheating, the woman will find out eventually. You don’t have to do a thing. It always come to light. Maybe u could do a call on this about “Trusting the man you are with.” I think that men are turned off by women who does those activities though cause as u realize, it shows that u don’t trust the man.