When Does A Man Lose Respect For A Woman?
“I have a question for your blog. When do men lose respect for a woman? Example: out on a first date woman sets limit no intercourse but everything else goes. Guy parks car and all else but intercourse happens. Does he see woman as not relationship material for long term? Is this something a high class women would not permit? I am sure other women question this.” M.P.
When does a man lose respect for a woman?
Personally, I think the more important question is when does a woman lose respect for herself?
So let’s take your question about intercourse. In the context of timing when it comes to sex, a man should respect your wishes period. Let’s say you prefer to wait for marriage before sex or you prefer to have a conversation about exclusivity if you are going to have regular sex. These are your rights and you should stand by your beliefs. If you’re concerned he might lose interest because you don’t sleep with him… well then his loss. Therefore, the last thing you should be thinking about is whether or not he respects you, in this case you might even want to ask yourself if you even respect him?
Getting into a car and doing everything but sex, is not how a man bases long term commitment.
Men choose long term commitment when they’re attracted to their partner, they have fun together, she accepts him for who he is, there is a strong friendship between them and yes, he respects her.
Respect is a foundational piece of all long term relationships and from my experience, men respect women who respect themselves. A woman who respects herself focuses more on “whether or not” she respects him. Do his actions match his words? Does he call to plan dates? Does he respect her wishes when it comes to intercourse?
A woman who respects her beliefs is always in integrity and men are very attracted to a woman who respects herself. If he doesn’t, do you really want to date that man anyway?
Men tend to respect what they earn. Getting into a car on a first date and doing everything but sex is rather easy. A man may view this woman as easy, thereby thinking she doesn’t respect herself, and he calls her “low hanging fruit.” The men who go after low hanging fruit do so because they are easy to “bed” and men rarely choose them for a long term relationship.
So here’s my take, if you’re a woman who has to ask “when does a man lose respect for a woman?” Chances are, he already did… but did he even respect you in the first place?
This is all very true!
What about if you have dated several times–and went for mutual oral in a parked car, woman ok with this–even wanting it?
Mary, I’m not clear… what is your question about dating several times?
Good post Jonathon.
great post..Stay strong to your beliefs. Slow slow slow down get to know each other before you start exploring each other intimately. I believe lots of women give in because they are afraid he will stop seeing her. So when you feel he will leave then he isn’t a good match for you..MOVE ON..there are men that will respect your wishes..
Reality–maybe we don’t alway want to see what is right in front of us! Once we know what we want we cannot ever settle for less or we feel terrible afterwards.
I wasn’t afraid he would stop seeing me. I didn’t give in. I set my limit and he respected it.
I saw him several times but this was over the course of maybe a year. Sometimes it was me keeping us apart as getting a sitter is often impossible and always out of my budget.
My gut feeling is 1) he doesn’t see me as long term potential 2) he is not looking for a girlfriend. Never has he called me. He only texts saying he wants it, to which I reply my need for being exclusive/monogamous before that.
I did allow mutual oral and I will never again. Because it was incredible, the best I ever had, the chemistry high, I feel hurt now that (of course) I have not heard from him. We share social community and I see him often there where he stays away from me. Bizarre?
I would like to meet a family oriented man. Someone where I can go to their home for dinner, parks with the kids, a friend and a lover. They cannot come to my home though. I would like someone secure, stable, mature, clean body, honest, mentally sane, disease free/agree to condoms….to see consistently if once a month but that we TALK on the phone once a week, laugh….
Any ideas or tips appreciated as we can all help each other 🙂 Thanks.
You sound some what rigid. Possible afraid or unwanting of a long term relationship such as Marriage. And then again he could think that “getting it is taking to long. HMMM!
The no home rule is good. After a year you should know if he is still dating on the side. You would have had time to size him out a before that time or to dump him.
I would you say I’d ridge or not interested in marriage?
As a woman in search for long term relationship sex is important and want to find out if it’s any good b4 getting emotionally attached… what to do then?
As a man I will tell you, I have no respect for a woman that lacks discretion. Does this mean I am disrespectful towards her? Of course not. Mutual understanding and morals are important foundations to build upon; in addition, most men and women often don’t verbally communicate those interests and painfully place their expectations upon one another more often resulting in negative experiences. So guys and gals, next time someone tries to make you feel like you have to compromise who you are to gain their affection, slap their hand away and say with a pointing finger, “Hey! I’m not just anybody’s ho ho!”
This seems to be a double standard going on here. She is a low hanging fruit but he performed the same act so is he not ease also and a low hanging fruit?
I don’t think sex and respect are mutually exclusive. I have no problem sleeping with a man when I want to sleep with him. But then I have never been one to rely on a man or anyones opinion to gauge my self worth.
I respect myself, that is what matters. I really could care less what is in the mind of a man unless I care about him. I respect him and myself. He respects me or he is out the door, its really that simple.
I don’t think I can ever fully understand the “logic” , a term I use loosely, behind a man losing respect because his woman agreed so easily to sex.
Here’s food for thought, ever think a woman loses respect for a guy when he asks to have sex so soon after dating?People need to quit excusing these head games…Anyone like this does not deserve respect if he is going to be spoiled afterwards
Very true! I think when sex is had too easily respect is lost on both fronts. Its because the chase is gone. Men like to chase and so do women. It like sucks the romance out of everything. There is a proper time to have sex and i believe its when you and the lady are both in tune. Teasing and playing around are great. Its just as much about dialog as it is the actual act of sex.The two go hand in hand.
Sometimes it takes months to be in tune but there are times when you connect with a person immediately and I don’t see the shame in expressing that attraction. Especially because it’s rare. In my experience, when the has happened we’ve gone on to have several year long relationship where the chemistry outlived the relationship.
If it’s lost is there any way to gain it again?
I had a boyfriend for a month only we broke up because he said he losing respect and love for me my boyfriend was a virgin before we started as a couple with in that month we made loved i was so aggresive. He didnt textede 4 days aftet we had sex because he sit i hit his ego that im the woman but i initiated sex.i should have wait for the right time he said.for said after i told him i understand and for him not to get confuse i broke up with him and told him lets go back to where it was before being friends that i accepted that it was my fault i dont want him to totally lose respect and love for me so i never beg for second chance. After we broke up same day we hugged each other went out to eat walking while his holding my hand or cuddling me he even kiss me day after we broke up we txt talk to each other silly joke days after we broke up thing even got better its like we are still in a relationship.. but we dont say i love you or i miss you anymore to each other .now im confused why is he acting like that.that he still do care… does he still love me will he come be to me if he sees that im changing? Please any advice or comment thanks in advance everyone
As a man I start to lose respect for women for the following reasons.
1. Low morality standards: nothing kills respect more than a woman cheating, lying, or trying to abuse the system.
2. Women who ask for help constantly: Ok yeah I feel special buying you a drink or two. But there is an invisible line where a women becomes a lost cause as the man will think she has no interest to begin with.
3. Whenever a woman fails to understand logic:Let’s face it the other sex can get us tongue tied. Many men will ignore whatever you do so along as you sleep with them. However when a man thinks a girl isn’t very smart, they start to see her more as a tool and not as a partner. If a man can’t trust or understand your judgement, he may not admit it, but he doesn’t respect your decision making process.
4. When a woman has no willpower: You’ve seen these girls. He’s so bad for me but i can’t leave him. Lack of willpower means a man can’t trust you not to give in to desires. How is going to trust you alone with other guys?
5. Cowards: Let’s face it the world is scary for both sexes. Typically though men need extra courage as we as the ones to initiate things. Being afraid of some small things or practical things such as mice or walking alone at night are completely understandable. But when you need to tell someone to leave you alone, your uninterested, etc you need to be direct and prompt. You hurt more feelings by letting it go on.
This is very annoying. As if women aren’t allowed to enjoy sex. This is backwards thinking. re there no other qualities that are important? Maybe expressing your sexuality is how you respect yourself, by BEING YOURSELF> If a guy loses respect for you because you express your sex maybe you ARE better off without him anyway. Find a guy who sees you for yourself and appreciates you for everything you are.
“4 weeks ago my husband left me and our 3 kids for another woman and I want him back. I Love him with all of my heart and I will do anything to get him back, i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to get back my man. I became very worried and needed help. as i was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr.mack201@gmail. com can help get ex back fast and stop a divorce or breakup and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and after 28 hours later, my husband came to me, Ever since then, I and my family are living together happily again.
For me. It’s happened once. She complained she had no one to help her with her two boys. I moved in, as her partner. Her son threatened to stab her. I yelled at him and he ran away. She told her mum I slammed his head into the wall. Then that’s what it looked like. Lying some respect trust went. The youngest had ADHD. I played with him every day, no problems. One day late home she rang Ds out of control. She had given him no attention, some respect left. My brother died, she didn’t attend the funeral, or send a card to my parents. Some more respect left. Her eldest didn’t go to school, shoplifted, sold drugs, tried to set hid friend on fire. No punishment, instead gave money to hang out with friends, respect left. I gave her money to pay bills ,she bought presents for her oldest, respect left. I Left. She went back to her x. Lasted 3 months. So upset I visited her. RU ok she came to my hotel and slept with me, I had to stop. I had no respect for her. Respect can be lost from one action or lost over time. She smiled as she told me her eldest sent an abusive message to his father as a result of something she said. I’ve never spoken to her again.
No man should ever allow himself to be in a situation with a woman where she can claim he did something whether he did or not. He’s not just guilty until he can prove himself innocent, but also his reputation is destroyed and his life is ruined.
When does a man lose respect for a woman? When he knows that she has no respect for him.
Ever see the play/movie “I Love You, You’re Perfect – Now Change”? It portrays a very real problem with what a woman does to her man. Such actions only prove that the man gets no respect from the woman, because she immediately sets out to completely change him to her specifications. Once she succeeds, she no longer respects -or even likes- him anymore.
The problem with most men is that they think that respect is a right that does not have to be earned. It’s called “patriarchy.” I guess it’s so hard to raise boys to become men who are worthy of respect in a world with so few worthy men to act as role models.
I could not care less about what men do, think, say, or….anything. Women who realize that men are not worthy of any deep analysis because they really are stupid and one-dimensional beings, are on the path to true happiness. There are truly good men, but they are rare. Don’t waste your time thinking too hard about the 99% who remain, and for goodness sake, do not concoct fantasy scenarios about how life will be with them after you do a man-makeover! Deficient men are impervious to your efforts. My biggest regrets in life all stem from giving the men in my life credit to do anything properly without it being spelled out for them. All I need men to do for me is to carry heavy things up the stairs, put out, and not tell me what to do.