Why Not Be Grateful and Gracious to Your Ex?
Each morning, I walk along the beach to connect with nature, to move my body, to ask for what I want and to express gratitude. Every day, I find something or someone new to be grateful for and gracious to.
One day last week, I was on my usual walk, and the moment I asked myself who or what I’m grateful for today, my ex wife popped into my head.
How lucky am I that she is an AMAZING mom and has done an incredible job raising our children (I’m blessed to have happy kids). I could not imagine anyone else doing such a fantastic job with our kids. And if I’m honest, she did an even better job than me during our marriage and after our divorce.
Let’s face it, I wasn’t a great husband (and an even shittier ex at times), and it took me years to truly appreciate all the hard work she has done and how thankless of a job it can be sometimes. Every time I thank her for what she’s done, which I do all the time, I know being grateful and gracious was the right path for me.
How about you? What can you be grateful and gracious to your ex about? What did he or she teach you that perhaps no one else could or would have? Think about that, and thank him or her… even if it’s only in your mind.
Because every relationship gives us a gift of some kind, I feel it’s important for each of us to figure out what our gifts were. I asked a few of my clients and readers what they’re thankful for, and here are a few of their replies.
“My ex got out of the way to let the right man enter my life.”
“He gave me two beautiful children, and we’re much better co-parents than spouses.”
“She helped me grow up and see who I really am.”
“I learned how to stand up for myself and be the real me.”
“I now know that when I get that icky feeling, he’s not the man for me. I should have paid attention to that feeling when my ex and I were dating, but I didn’t.”
So what are you grateful for when it comes to your ex? Again, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate and honor the mother of my children. These days I do my best to remind her every time I see or talk to her. So here’s to the mother of my children and to all the single moms… YOU ROCK!
After marriage and get children ,the wife be interesting and taking care only to her children ,more careless to her husband ,this was against expectations,I learn from her how to be single again