Happiness is Intentional
Many of us spend the days, months and even years of our lives running through our time on autopilot. We perform our routines and activities without much thought, just trying to get it over with and on to the next thing.
In fact, I’ve lived most of my life doing just that. I believed that if I just got somewhere I’d be happy. While there have been some brief moments of joy, sustaining happiness has felt like a mystery.
It wasn’t until recently when I chose to start my day with conscious effort to be in a “state” of happiness without a destination did the flow of joy seem to become more consistent.
Did you know that we can become addicted to our emotions, whether positive or negative? Emotions are an actual chemical response in our bodies. Trying to change those ingrained patterns of thought can be really difficult, but it can be done. It’s been said that it takes about 21 days to establish a new habit.
Learn to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply being in a state of being in the present. Or in other words, keep your head where your feet are! When you’re in a place of mindfulness, you’re simply aware of your thoughts and feelings. You notice what’s happening around you without judgment and with acceptance.
Happiness is an intentional practice. You may choose to stay away from (or at least minimize) the constant flow of bad news and sensational stories that we’re exposed to 24/7. Read positive stories and share those. Be part of a conversation that encourages people and doesn’t create drama and negativity.
Another intentional practice is choosing gratitude. Everyone can find something to be grateful for every day, no matter what their personal situation is. Try keeping a gratitude journal. There’s something about writing it down and reflecting on it that will help drive it into your subsconscious.
Choose to smile as you go about your day and engage with your family, people at work, and store employees. Showing an interest in others will help to get you out of yourself besides possibily putting a smile on their face as well.
Happiness is not a place, but a daily choice. How are you choosing to be happy today?
“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” Abraham Lincoln
Have you wondered why men seem to pull away just as you thought you were getting to know them, just when things were starting to get good? Why Men Pull Away will help you get past this roadblock and hopefully never have to experience this heartbreak again in the future.
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