Have you ever heard the saying “Men are the gas and women are the brakes?” This is never more true than the man who comes on very strong in the beginning. He lavishes attention on the woman, wining and dining her, appearing to be very romantic and saying all the right things.
The woman can either put on the brakes, or find herself getting sucked in and opens her heart, jumping all the way in before she truly knows the guy. Then reality and dysfunction start to rear their ugly head. Maybe he has no time for a relationship. Maybe he’s not really over his ex. Maybe he just wants to get her in the sack and when the thrill of the chase is over, he moves on to his next target.
Most women don’t believe they have the power to set the pace because they fear losing a potential guy with chemistry (as if he’s the only one that exists!)
Ladies…my advice to you is quite simple. Guard your affections. If you jump into a relationship too quickly, it can lead to heartbreaking consequences. Take your time getting to know the guy before you give your heart fully to him. I believe it’s almost impossible to get a full sense of a person in a few days or weeks.
Instant love and attraction are great for the movies but in reality, strong relationships take time to develop and the best ones are based on a foundation of friendship, trust and commitment. Be patient with the process. Observe how he treats his family, friends and co-workers. That strong foundation that you took the time to build will let you know if you want to continue on into a serious relationship and will be what’s going to carry you through the tough times.
Another thing to consider is that a man who comes on very strong in the beginning may have the potential to become controlling and possibly even abusive in the future once that he feels that he “has” you.
Meeting someone and feeling that instant rush of chemistry can be very exciting. But don’t give your heart away too fast out of desperation to be in a relationship. Set the pace…you’ll be happier, I promise.
Is it really possible to find love online? In Finding Love Online: 7 Mistakes You’re Making When Seeking True Love and How To Do It Right I’ll show you how to create a standout profile, avoid scammers and much more!
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True love is no longer there ,it’s just a struggle