The online world can be a messy thing. Throw in online dating and it adds a whole new way of relating to others you may be interested in. Which brings me to a very important point about attracting love into your life when it comes to your online dating profile. You have got to put the effort into it. In fact, I want to chat with you today about how to make yourself and your profile stand out.
The online profile is the starting point to a possible relationship. I want you to take moment to think about that for a minute. Not only because it is necessary, but to be honest, one of the hardest aspects of my job is to watch women who truly want to give and receive love put little to no effort in when it comes to their online dating profile. From what I see, most of the profiles look like shit. There, I said it… shit! I don’t mean to be so vulgar, but ladies we have got to figure this online profile thing out, if that is how you are finding eligible bachelors.
I get that men’s profiles are equally poorly done, but given this is the new medium for connecting with eligible singles (especially those of us over 40), there is no reason why a profile should be made up of underwater scuba shoots, selfies in the bathroom mirror, selfies hiding behind sunglasses and a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Oh, and let’s not forget my least favorite, the foodie shots with the plate of sushi eaten the night before.
In fact, I believe so much in a well put together profile that if it isn’t done with tact, character and true thought, I start to wonder if the person who is showcasing her life in such a manor is either lazy or clueless. Sometimes I even wonder if her poor profile is an indication of over inflated sense of self worth or if she is scared of true intimacy?
What I truly believe is that an online profile that hasn’t had much thought put into it, is just a display of the unconscious or subconscious thoughts of how women truly feel about themselves. So ladies, you have got to get feeling good about your life. That’s what you truly want to share with the world.
When it comes to life partnership, the most important decision is choosing a mate, but first you have to be chosen. And that starts by improving your online dating profile.
Top Elements of Your Online Dating Profile
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Ladies, go out there and get a picture taken of you that is worth talking about. If you want eligible, good looking men to show up for you, then you have to show up for them. There is no way around it. Go get your hair done, put yourself in an outfit that you think speaks to your personality and have someone take a picture with a good camera, not just a cell phone.
Next, spruce up your “about me” section. If you are bored reading your own profile, someone else will be as well. What do you like to do? What are you passionate about? What are the quirks that define your character? What are you most proud of? What makes you laugh? What are your dreams? Get real with you. Get real with what you want the world to see. Write it down, and invite someone into your life who can love you for you. Now, I am not saying write things in your profile that aren’t true. What I am saying is share your best self. Show the world and the men who will be checking out your personal profile what you are made up.
Finally, you must communicate your wants in a mate. Don’t be afraid to share what you are hoping to find in a man on your profile page. If you have not thought about this, now is the time. You want to make sure that you are being completely conscious of how the online world will help serve you in finding someone that you can truly connect with. Take the time to figure out what that looks, sounds and feels like.
Love Is Consciously Created
I completely understand that the world is so different from twenty years ago when dating usually occurred through friends and family. Now women have the opportunity to meet men from all over the country. That can be a scary thing and a good thing. Your odds of finding a compatible mate have grown and what is more, you are not stuck with the guys in your hometown. You probably outgrew them after high school anyway.
Dating has gone global and love has had an opportunity to expand its wings. Because I believe love is a conscious creation and a reflection of how much we are paying attention to it in our own lives, I think your online dating profile is just an extension of this. You will attract what you put out. If you are not willing to go the extra mile for a short profile, how do you expect another human being to go the extra mile in a real relationship? There is no reason to be unconscious when it comes to love.
Everyone on this planet is worthy and deserving of love. The people who are cultivating true acts of love in their own life and minds attract that kind of love right back. You are a natural extension of love, which means you are beautiful inside and out. Go show that off to the world.
With me? In the comments below, share how you are going to improve your online dating profile. And if you need help, download Finding Love Online. In it, I go into detail about how to use online dating sites to find the love of your life.
Hi Jon,
You wanted an opinion on your profile, sounds like a lot of work to date you ? Interesting but You need a lighter side of Jonathan.
I completely disagree women dress for other women. I like to spend the time and energy and money at times to look my Best for a man I’m dating or meeting. I want him to feel like he’s the luckiest man in the room. It makes me feel confident and sexy and I want to feel I’m the luckiest woman with my date.
I never date for a free meal. I can cook my own meals. Why would a Woman do that ? He’ll talk about himself the entire time which is great if your interested In Dating a him.
So who ever asked you out for a date they should pay !
Still wondering if your just obsessed with this subject and trying to Figure out what all mankind has been asking themselves “Whst is Love” Love between 2 people is hard to find. I was dating someone who wanted to find someone in a 30 mile Radius ? Lol You expect to find your Compatible Soul Mate in a 35 or 50 Mile radius.
I just don’t think that very practical or reasonable. The other man is windowed married 36 years worked at the same Job 39 years. It’s been a year since she passed away.
I like him but I know he’s not ready he’ll be going through a lot of emotions I know. I wanted him to date someone else first then me. We were kinda Hot at first but his temper was off and on.
His Dog died which was his wife’s. I check in with him but he did say he’s really messed up right now. I get it. I’m doing self reflection and healing.
You talk about Romance ? True Romance is when your truly in Love and Friends with someone. I’m my own worst enemy as I actually do speak my truth and share too much sometime which turned them off or feeling inadequate. Iv been told I’m very outspoken and it was well received at times and sometimes not so much. Lol
So I try not yo talk about how many men Iv ever slept with. Not a good idea for your Women’s group.
My long Term relationship I’m still friends with most of them still.
Again the Toilet seat down is important if you have fallen inside the bowl in the middle of the Night you would understand.
If a man doesn’t put the toilet seat down all the time isn’t a gentleman. It’s was designed that way. I feel it shows disrespect for women in general and is selfish. Red Flag for me . 🚩
But if he doesn’t close the toilet seat in which it was designed is not a gentleman
Good Luck finding your SOUL mate. I know that’s your desire.
Stacy Wright