There’s only one truth in life… death/loss.
Since the passing of my son (this past month) one thought that’s been ringing in my head, why haven’t been prepared for loss?
So today I’m sharing my thought & feelings about the lesson I’ve learned since the loss of Connor.
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Hello Jonathon,
Thank you for sharing thoughts during what must be an unimaginably difficult time. I’m very sorry for your loss. Nobody should ever have to lose a child, and I’m sorry that you are having to endure the terrible pain that goes along with such a devastating loss.
In this video, you make an excellent point about appreciating those in our lives, and not to take the time we have for granted. What really struck me about your comments were your thoughts about acceptance. As humans, we often struggle with thinking that people or situations should be a certain way, and it can lead to worry and stress, as well as blocking the flow of love from the heart. Your comments hit home with me as I’ve been worried about the choice a friend has been making lately and it has caused a lot of worry as I debate whether it is appropriate for me to speak to him about whether or not he is drinking too much. His mother has struggled with alcoholic tendencies for a long time, and I’m worried that he’s inherited the genetic tendency from her. Your comments on this video have made me re-think how to approach the situation. It must be done from a place of pure love, or not done at all. And yes, I know this has nothing at all to do with the topic of dating, which is where your professional advice is usually directed, but it’s an important decision that should be made from a place of love and acceptance.
As for the sudden loss of your son, I’m truly sorry for what you are going through. I lost my husband suddenly, 15 years ago, and it cannot be compared to the loss of a child. You have my greatest empathy during this time as you navigate these dark waters. There is nothing that can prepare us for great loss. Grief is a painful process that eventually leads to some form of acceptance, but it’s a long, winding road. Best wishes to you and your family as you face this difficult time. Your son will always be with you, but the loss of his physical presence will hurt like a hell you never imagined could exist. Don’t be afraid to feel the pain, as it is a necessary part of grieving. Eventually there will be light at the end of this tunnel, and you will emerge a changed person. Death is timeless, and teaches us many important lessons. There will be a time when it will be easier to smile and laugh and return to enjoying the simple things in life, but right now those things will be put on hold as you process the unimaginable loss of your beloved son. This time of shock and intense grief will eventually soften.
Thank you again for your video about appreciating each day and accepting those we love for who they are. It was helpful to me on this day.
My heart goes out to you Jonathon. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Losing a child really IS every parents worst nightmare. I have watched every video you have made since your loss and I have cried and laughed with you. It’s true I don’t think that you can ever prepare for the loss of a loved one but you can appreciate and savor every single moment you get to spend with them as you never know if it will be your last. Because of you I make sure I do this every day with my son. He is 16 and has Autism. I’m a single mum and as tough as some days are for him I always respond with love and acceptance for the beautiful boy he is. The world certainly would be a much more peaceful place if we all loved and accepted each other more. Sending you big hugs. Thank you so much again for sharing your deeply personal story in order to help us all. I truly hope it does help you too. You have certainly made a difference to my world. Thank you so much Xxx
Yes…enjoy your kids every day. No one knows what will happen. Make peace with all people/family/God and make the world a better place. The purpose on earth is to learn to love and have relationships with people/self/God and to know God is real.
Thank you, Jonathon, for these heartfelt words of wisdom. Many blessings and big bear hugs to you and your family. ?