Are Women More Evolved Than Men? Let’s Find Out
Can I be honest with you today? I’m going to assume you said yes to the title and I want to say I’m a little tired of hearing how so many women believe they are more evolved than men.
Now, I’m stating this because I’ve met a lot of dysfunctional men and women, so women do not hold the torch of consciousness on being more evolved than men. But here’s one thing I have noticed, women study relationship dynamic far more than men and there’s a reason why.
In today’s episode, we are going to explore the DEEPER connection to personal development for both men & women and why men don’t seek advice in the arena of relationships as much as women.
Let’s talk about… Are Women More Evolved Than Men? Let’s Find Out
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Haven’t listened yet but read what you wrote. For the record, my answer was a resounding NO! I’ll listen to what you say and add my two bits if I have something valuable you missed. Wonderful topic by the way, needs to be discussed!
Look forward to hearing what you think after listening…
Jonathon, this was outstanding. Thank you. Yes, men are invested in evolving spiritually. If women doubt this they should go to Bryan Reeves’ podcast Men This Way – designed for men but he welcomes women into the arena to learn from a man’s perspective. I agree also that men invest more in business, success, and making money podcasts. What I find with women is they definitely hang with the relationship podcasts BUT they do not do this to learn more about men but to get information on how to make the guy do what they want. So, who is really more evolved here – interesting question for sure. I will say lots of women think I’m nuts because I take the men’s “side” more often than not. I see men pulling away because, yes, women have shamed them or made them feel inadequate. I can truthfully say I was guilty of that on some level in the past.
I can also say that I broke up with the most amazing man who more than met everything I wanted in a man because there were blind spots, and I knew that further down the road we wouldn’t be ideal for each other. I had to be true to myself and the promises I made to myself. Jonathon, you will “love” (as in hate) this – long distance. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything on earth, though. Five years of spending three months out of the year first in Ireland and then in Malta! Most spiritually evolved man I have ever met. Why do I have five copies of The Seat of the Soul (to give away)? That would be because he told me to read the book and I found it profound, along with several others he recommended.
Well, Jonathon, this was a very powerful podcast so thank you and never ever quit yelling at us because we need it!
Is the yelling too much? LOL Thank you Linda.
Nope, nope, nope – the yelling is not too much! Jonathon, if I were in your shoes dealing with stubborn, pigheaded women – well, let’s just say I could never ever be in those shoes because yelling would be putting it mildly. Well, my (at the time) 3-year-old daughter had the absolute perfect way of making known exactly what she would and would not tolerate. She stomped her little foot and said very emphatically, “No, no, no, no, no!” At the time I was the only one who thought, “I’ll just sit back and watch the show.”
Your daughter sounds adorable…
She was and she is the the most amazingly beautiful woman and mother and, yes, we let her kids be exactly who they are!
Thanks for posting this, Jonathan.
In the podcast you talked about the difference between introspective work and studying relationship advice. Good food for thought. I did go on to listen to the rest of the podcast, but the concept of introspective work is what I’m going to think about today because in my next relationship, I want to be in partnership with a man who is mature enough and has enough self love to accept himself as a total person, light and dark, and is willing to bring that into a reciprocal relationship.
I am a member of your Facebook group and would love to hear what the other ladies there think of this topic. Thank you for this post.
Lisa, would be honored if you post in our group any question relating to this podcast. Much appreciated.