Never Chase Him. Do This Instead (5 Ways He’ll Invest In You) Have you ever heard that men love the chase, which is why a woman should never chase a man because it might take away from his pursuit, or it might come off as needy? Here’s the thing, there’s a huge misconception between chasing
5 Hidden Insecurities Men Feel (But Don’t Talk About)
5 Hidden Insecurities Men Feel (But Don’t Talk About) “Men are required to be strong and not show emotions.” Speaking as a man, the above sentence was drilled in my head as a child and even more so as an adult, which leads to decades of stored up angst in my life. Research shows that
5 Things A Man Will Do When He’s Emotionally Attracted To You
5 Things A Man Will Do When He’s Emotionally Attracted To You Let’s face it; dating is a mess out there because these days, it can be hard to tell the difference between the men who are serious about falling in love vs. those who are seeking to fill a void in their life. Men
8 Things Couples Do To Ensure Great Sex
8 Things Couples Do To Ensure Great Sex While I’m not in the habit of giving sex advice, over the years I’ve noticed that one of the primary causes of divorce centers around sex and intimacy or the lack of it in a marriage. In fact, intimacy is an important part of a relationship. Yet,
3 Things Men Rarely Share With Women
3 Things Men Rarely Share With Women Why is it that men rarely share their inner feelings with the woman they care about? Often, we men fear rejection just as much as women, and we have been conditioned to believe sharing our feelings is a sign of weakness. In fact, there are some common feelings
5 Big Secrets Men Hide from Women They Like
5 Big Secrets Men Hide from Women They Like Let’s face it, most humans have inner fears, and nothing triggers these fears as the dating process does, which is why so many people are gun shy to the dating process altogether. Men have unique fears based on their biology, upbringing, and socialization, which rarely gets
7 Deep Questions to Ask a Guy to Build Attraction (#4 is Weird)
7 Deep Questions to Ask a Guy to Build Attraction (#4 is Weird) As a dating & relationship coach for over a decade, I’ve noticed that most humans are rather bad at the dating process from a place of choosing a good partner. In fact, I believe that most people have poor skills when it
Is He Gaslighting You? 5 Common Phrases Men Say…
Is He Gaslighting You? 5 Common Phrases Men Say… Do you know what gaslighting is? Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. Here’s the thing, gaslighting often gets
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