Have you ever watched a young couple who were insanely in love and reminisced about the passion of your old relationships back in the day? Or maybe you cynically wanted to say to them, “Just wait until you’ve been together for 25 years and see if the thrill is still there?” It’s okay to admit
How to Get Him to Commit
How to Get Him to Commit As a midlife dating coach, I’ve noticed a lot of women who spend a lot of energy complaining about relationship problems, such as men who are no longer romantic, don’t match their emotional level or just don’t want to commit. This is a total waste of time and will often
The 5 Phases of Mid-Life Relationships
The 5 Phases of Mid-Life Relationships Let’s face it—creating a successful relationship during mid-life can be a challenge, and at times it can be a total pain in the ass. We all know people who have no trouble finding and keeping a relationship after 40. It’s tempting to say they find potential mates everywhere because
Why Some Don’t Like Jonathon Aslay’s Dating Advice
There are a lot of people who disagree with my advice. Honestly, I can understand why. I think outside the box and much of my advice falls outside of the traditional way people look at dating, mating and relating. It can be hard for some to see my point. The fact is if the process
Learning to Trust Again After Infidelity
Learning to Trust Again After Infidelity One of my readers wrote to me recently … “After learning that my husband had a secret life of extra-marital relationships during my favorite years of our marriage and intimacy, I am done. I no longer trust enough to get out there again. I was a total romantic. I
Understanding the Natural Ebb and Flow of Relationships
Understanding the natural ebb and flow of relationships is like watching the tide go in and out at the beach. There is a natural ebb and flow to the tides. High tide comes rushing in, sometimes catching you off guard with its ferocity. Hours later you notice the water has calmly receded, leaving a great expanse
How To Begin Again After Disappointment
How To Begin Again After Disappointment We’ve all been through that big disappointment or break up at some point in our lives. They’re hard to recover from… typically because you might feel like giving up or because one or both of you have decided to just move on. However, it’s important to remember that if
How Do I Know If He’s Cheating On Me?
How Do I Know If He’s Cheating On Me? A recent letter from one of my readers asks: I’ve been in an on-and-off, long-distance relationship for the last several months. It’s really more on than off. But sadly, I recently discovered that my boyfriend has been going out on dates including dinners and movies with
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