From My Inbox: “We’ve been married for 25 years. Because of his unhappiness, he has asked for a divorce. But I don’t want the divorce. I’ve been trying working on our relationship for the past 2 years. However, he recently he moved out of the house. He said he doesn’t want to be married anymore.
How To Survive Midlife Dating and Children
How To Survive Midlife Dating And Children Midlife relationships have a unique twist for those raising children because typically women have more of the responsibility after divorce. This in turn leaves little free time for dating. While there are some parents who are able to share the duties 50/50, the most common arrangement isonce a week and every
What Are Your Relationship Deal Breakers?
It’s commonly assumed that relationship deal breakers are typically associated with differences in character. However, as I’ve observed midlife singles, as people mature, the relationship priorities shift to those of shared values rather than the factors that we looked for when we were younger. For example: some women prefer not to date men with small children, particularly
Are Long Distance Relationships Realistic?
Are Long Distance Relationships Realistic? As a dating coach, I am frequently asked about long distance relationships and the viability of success for those in the midlife years (40-69.) With the exception of those who initially connected in person and then were separated due to careers or other external reasons, most initial connections that begin
Old Fashioned Dating Rituals and the New Reality
Old Fashioned Dating Rituals and the New Reality Instinctive, Cave People, Old Fashioned or Traditional…these phrases are thrown around (mostly from women) nostalgically picking only the perceived good and not facing the reality when it comes to today’s dating practices. Back in the prehistoric day, men wanted to spread their seed and monogamy was
How Do You Measure Value?
How Do You Measure Value? As many of you have noticed, lately I’ve been discussing the notion that it’s okay for a woman to initiate a date or even pay for a date in the early stages (the first 10 dates). Now some believe that if a man doesn’t always initiate or always pay, he
Dating after a Recent Divorce
From My Inbox “I’ve been dating a guy that recently divorced last November. We’ve been dating for 5 months. I thought this was it. He told me he loved me and we were making plans. However, he didn’t introduce me to all his children (he has four.) He was at his oldest daughters graduation this
How to Develop a New Approach to Midlife Dating
From what I’ve seen, many newly divorced midlife singles date with an intent to make sure that they don’t repeat the past. Men often retreat into play, fun, no attachment and no desire for long term commitment while women often have maintain an attitude that they are “owed’ a perfect mate after enduring years of
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