If I Can Rise from the Ashes, So Can You Many folks give up on love and romance because they’ve been hurt, and they do nothing but focus on the past and their sadness and pain. I can relate to that. Six years ago, there was a brief time when I went to bed at
Feel Good about Yourself and the Guys Will Come Running
Feel Good about Yourself and the Guys Will Come Running What is the sexiest thing about women? Nope, not big breasts or a Kim Kardashian-type rear end. Nope, not hair down to the waist or full red lips. (Sure, we think those things are sexy, but what trumps them?) Keep thinking… A woman who loves
From Jonathon’s Mailbag… Fading Away and Bonding Through Sex
From Jonathon’s Mailbag… Fading Away and Bonding Through Sex Dear Ladies, I receive quite a bit of email and try to answer all of them, and some questions come up repeatedly. I’d like to share two of them with you, along with my answers. Here goes… Dear Jonathon, I’ve been with my guy for a
5 Tips to Help You Jump Back into Dating
5 Tips to Help You Jump Back into Dating When you’ve been in a relationship for a while and it ends, at some point you’ll decide to begin dating. It may feel weird and awkward, but I promise it will get better. I’ve been there, so I understand what you’re going through. Before you start,
10 of My Favorite Quotes about Love and Relationships
10 of My Favorite Quotes about Love and Relationships As you’ve seen on my Facebook page, I love quotes… writing them, reading them, and sharing them. Here are 10 of my favorites, and I hope you enjoy them. “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody
Dating Over 50… What’s Going On Here?
Dating Over 50… What’s Going On Here? I hear from quite a few women (and men) over 50, and they tell me it’s tough to date. They’re frustrated, and here are their most common complaints. Men over 50 want to date women 10-20 years younger. Some will date women as young as they possibly can.
What Does It Mean to Settle?
What Does It Mean to Settle? Have you ever been in a relationship where you didn’t speak up and tell your man what you wanted and needed? Maybe you thought if you acted the way you wanted to be treated, they would mirror what you put in. But it didn’t work that way, did it?
Use Humor When Reaching Out On Dating Sites
Use Humor When Reaching Out On Dating Sites If you’ve trekked through the jagged landscape of online dating there’s a good chance you’ve seen your fair share of bad conversation starters or maybe you’ve botched the attempt when reaching out to someone. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. It’s no easy feat
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