Dating and Starting a Family During Midlife – Is It Realistic? As a midlife dating coach, I’m become fascinated with an interesting dynamic that I’d like to discuss. Lately I’ve seen dozens of dating profiles from women who are over 45, have never married but state that they definitely want children. The dating process these
“My Children Are My Priority”
My Children Are My Priority Often I see dating profiles that emphasize the busy schedule of parents who have children living at home. As a parent myself, I have great compassion and respect for those who are raising children and trying to date. However, as a dating coach I encourage clients to initially downplay and
When He Doesn’t Believe In Labels
When He Doesn’t Believe In Labels You’ve been dating a guy for 2 months, you’re together every weekend for the entire weekend. You’ve become intimate, but haven’t had the exclusivity talk (but it seems he’s only seeing you.) You talk everyday via text, FaceTime and the phone and you’ve met his friends. But he doesn’t want
Can Dating Actually Be Fun?
“Why is it so hard?” These words are on the lips of those who long for a committed relationship and yet they are feeling frustration on the other end. Often there’s a little voice inside that is sabotaging all the joy one truly wants to experience when being in relationship because the dating process
Setting Realistic Dating Expectations
Setting Realistic Dating Expectations The reason why many people become frustrated with dating and long term relationships is because of conflicting ideals and expectations. For example, a woman might expect a man to lead, but complains when his pace doesn’t match her desired agenda. A man might pretend to want a serious relationship with a
Should Men Always Pay For the Date?
In my parents’ day it was a given that the guy always picked up the tab and that has been the traditional expectation over the years. But are things different now? Let’s say a woman makes $175,000 a year and her boyfriend makes $95,000 a year. They each have equal personal expenses and they
How To Attract Positive People Into Your Life
How to Attract Positive People Into Your Life Most people who come to me for coaching tend to have one thing in common… they focus more on what they don’t want, instead of what they do want. “I don’t want a cheater, a liar, a player, a lazy man or a man out of shape.”
Endings and New Beginnings
As many of you know, I’m not a fan of long distance relationships. One big reason is because one of my primary love languages is physical time together. Some may consider this a limiting belief and that could be very true but that is what works best for me. Unfortunately my relationship with Angela came
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