Have you ever heard a man who say: “when I meet her I will know? He might never says this on a date, but he might be one of those romantic types who feels if cupids arrow hits, everything will shift. These guys are often in love with the idea with being in love (women
Romantic Love and Long Term Relationships
Romantic love and Long Term Relationships are like two different train tracks which either merge, end or crash. Romantic Love is often the chemical high when you meet someone for which you have chemistry and LTR is making the choice to build/blend a life with another. Merge, end or crash.. why do you think this
The Top 5 Things a Woman Should Never Do When Meeting a Man
If you’re serious about meeting a guy, you’ve probably read a ton of articles already with different points of view on meeting and how to conduct yourself with what may just be Mr. Right. When you’re ready to meet the man of your dreams, it’s important to know the right things to say and do.