What’s the Best Way to Cancel A Date? Text, email or phone…how do you prefer to be let down? Let’s say you connected with a guy via an online dating site. You’ve emailed a few times. You’ve texted a few times. You’ve talked on the phone and planned a meeting. It seems like you have
Endings and New Beginnings
As many of you know, I’m not a fan of long distance relationships. One big reason is because one of my primary love languages is physical time together. Some may consider this a limiting belief and that could be very true but that is what works best for me. Unfortunately my relationship with Angela came
Should You Remain Friends With Your Ex?
Should You Remain Friends With Your Ex? A recent question from a reader asked if it was possible to remain friends with your ex. “Hi Jonathon, I’ve been dying to get your opinion about something, and was hoping you’d post something about it. The guy I’ve recently been dating is friends with A LOT (a
Why Not Be Grateful and Gracious to Your Ex?
Why Not Be Grateful and Gracious to Your Ex? Each morning, I walk along the beach to connect with nature, to move my body, to ask for what I want and to express gratitude. Every day, I find something or someone new to be grateful for and gracious to. One day last week, I was
Choose Me or Lose Me
Choose Me or Lose Me It’s incredibly painful to wait for a partner to meet you at the emotional level you live at, and he never arrives. What’s worse is if you’re waiting for him to return after the end of a relationship and say, “I choose you.” He let you go, he let you
If You Love Me, You’ll Change
If You Love Me, You’ll Change When I coach women, I hear this more often than I’d like… and men are no stranger to saying it. “If you love me, you’ll change.” Have you ever said or thought that? I sure have. I’d like to suggest that those words never enter your head again, because
Don’t Despair, Don’t Compare… Love is Out There, Love is Everywhere
Don’t Despair, Don’t Compare… Love is Out There, Love is Everywhere On the lips of many who have loved and lost are the following: “We had something amazing and special, and I don’t believe I’ll ever find it again.” I’m here to tell you that yes, you will, and the odds are very good that
Jonathon’s 20 Best “Understand Men” Tips, Part 2
Jonathon’s 20 Best “Understand Men” Tips, Part 2 My email list (signup box is to the right of this post) has a few thousand women, and I hear from them occasionally with ideas, critiques, and comments. They seem to love the Understand Men tips, and they tell me which ones resonate with them. I’ve pulled